Thursday, March 15, 2012

Website Progress!!

Im not done with my website I need about 2 more days. I've been have trouble getting my information together but I will have it complete by Monday

Friday, February 17, 2012

The purpose of my "How to" is too teach the younger kids how to tie their shoes. I want to make it easy for them to understand step by step. Its fun and it rhyme so it will entertain them.

  • Step 1

    Pull the laces across one another to form a triangle between the laces and the shoe. Say, "Build a tee-pee."

    Step 2

    Hold the laces together where they cross and pass one of the ends under the triangle. Say, "Come inside."

    Step 3

    Pass the end of the lace you just looped through the triangle around a second time and say, "Bring a friend."

    Step 4

    Pull on either end of the shoelaces so that the place where the triangle was is cinched tight against the shoe. Say, "Close it tight so we can hide."

    Step 5

    Wrap one of the ends of the laces around your index finger, and say "Over the mountain." Hold the lace together so that the loop stays in place. Withdraw your finger.

    Step 6

    Wrap the other lace around the loop once. Say, "And around we go."

    Step 7

    Stick the middle of the wrapped lace through the hole created by the loop. Say, "Here's my arrow."

    Step 8

    Pull on both loops to tighten the knot and say, "Here's my bow."


    Tuesday, February 7, 2012